Local Business Listing Features

Create, Enhance & Optimize
We know how busy it gets with your business’s day-to-day operations, so let our local business listing specialists make sure your business can be found when customers search. To improve your local business listing visibility, we need to provide as much “searchable” business listing information as possible. The more we enhance your local business profile, the greater our chances of making a connection with potential customers for your business. We will create and gather the necessary information to build an enhanced & optimized local business listing profile for your business. Enhancing your listing gives your customers a complete view of your business by including items such as a custom business description, photos, website address, videos, logos, coupons, social media links, business hours, products & services offered, etc… Optimizing your local business listings with relevant keywords will also help improve the search engine positioning and allow your business to reach more customers.
Google, Yahoo, Bing
According to the most recent stats of search engine rankings, Google accounted for 66.7% of total search queries, followed by Bing with 17.9% and Yahoo! with 11.4%. That means that the Big Three search engines accounted for over 96% of the over 1 billion daily searches performed. Our local business listing specialists will MANUALLY manage your local business listings on the Big Three – making sure they are accurate, complete, enhanced, and optimized to perform well on these very important search engines.

Get Found Everywhere! GPS, Smart Phones, Mobile Devices, 411, Online Yellow Pages… Our distribution process includes submitting your basic listing data to Express Update from InfoGroup (InfoUSA), a database that provides anchor data to the major search platforms, online yellow pages, GPS, 411, & more! This provides your local business listing with the broadest available distribution. Mobile access is one of the fastest growing segments of local search, and this is one of the greatest advantages of our local business listing submission service. In total this distribution can amount to hundreds of Local Search sites and devices receiving your basic local business listing, either directly or indirectly.